About Our Company
About Oxygenated Beverages
Oxygenated Beverages is the youngest of a family of companies united in a goal which is centered around bringing forth a new technology, so revolutionary, it has the capability to impact everyone on a daily basis. Imagine taking one of the most basic substances on the planet, re-engineering it, improving it, unlocking its potential! (more on that in the ‘technology tab’). A technology originally developed for an application in the petroleum industry has found its place across a broad spectrum of globally important, biological and industrial applications. Since its inception, one of Oxydrate’s sister companies – H2O Unlimited and Molecular Dissolved Oxygen Technologies has focused on being at the forefront of innovative water applications.
At the time when Covid hit in 2020, our team had been buying 5 gallon jugs of water from local supermarkets to oxygenate and drink for ourselves and share with friends and family. Amid the pandemic, we decided to shift focus from industrial applications with the occasional ‘run for us’ production mentality to focus on full production hyper oxygenated water, branding and creating OXYDRATE and developing a network of ‘go-to-market’ partners. What could be better for the global population in the times of a ‘lung pandemic’ than an alternate means of oxygenating the body via drinking water? And thus, Oxygenated Beverages and our first product, Oxydrate, was born.
We selected CForce as our bottling partner. CForce provides Oxydrate with higher quality source water, (artesian water from the Lone Wolf Springs in Navasota, TX) as well as an bottling technology which includes a chiller, which improves in MDO capture, and filling system optimized to reduce agitation and maximize O2 level of water in the bottle. All resulting in production capabilities that will allow Oxydrate to penetrate the market at any level of product demand.
Why us? Why now? Oxydrate is a truly unique water, unsurpassed in the market with potential benefits. A bold statement, but one we believe to be as true as water is wet. As a matter of fact – our water is wetter water. Our patented surface tension reduction technology relaxes the covalent bond, thereby reducing surface tension and creating wetter water. With the bond relaxed, we have the ability to manipulate the water, inserting biologically available molecular dissolved oxygen in the case of Oxydrate. It is this biologically available molecular dissolved oxygen that the human body can quickly utilize.
Is oxygenated water a scam? This might be true for some brands which claim to have an increased presence of oxygen. However, in our case, it is not. Not at all! Many scholars and PHD’s have said what we do is not possible, and yet, we do it on a daily basis – and it is because of the technology. (Check out the technology tab).

Increased Energy

Improve Digestive Health

Improve Mental Health

Increased Stamina

Improve Respiratory Health

Next Day Recovery
The potential benefits derived from the Oxydrate beverage are the result of the two key properties which are (1) the hyper oxygenation of the water, and (2) the alkaline pH of the water. Let’s look at the science of these two properties.
The Benefits of Alkaline Water
Chance’s are you’ve probably heard the term alkaline water being used by bottled water companies like SmartWater®, Essentia®, and Flow®, and you may have even bought yourself a bottle because of the health benefits associated with the buzzword – but do you know what alkaline water is and what the benefits are from drinking it?
Alkaline water is water that has a higher potential hydrogen than regular drinking water. The pH level is measured by the amount of hydrogen ions that exists in a given solution. High concentrations of hydrogen ions yield a low pH (acidic substances), whereas low levels of hydrogen ions result in a high pH (basic substances).1
The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. Anything below 7 (ranging from 0 to 6.9) is acidic, and anything above 7 (ranging from 7.1 to 14) is basic. The blood in your veins is slightly basic (pH = 7.4), whereas soap (pH = 12) and bleach (pH = 13) are highly basic. On the other hand, coffee is slightly acidic (pH = 5) and tomato juice (pH = 4) and lemon juice (pH = 2) are highly acidic.2
The term alkaline gets used interchangeably with basic but they’re not exactly the same3. Alkaline compounds (alkali) are substances, like salts, metals, and minerals, that, when added to water, make it more basic.4 Water always contains some amount of dissolved solids including minerals like calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium, but alkaline water tends to have a higher amount of total dissolved solids, which increases its pH level. Regular drinking water is typically neutral with a pH level of 7 and alkaline water is slightly basic with a pH level of about 8 or 9.
The idea that alkaline water is medicinal, curative, and able to bring about optimal health seems to be based on the belief that acidic properties in the body and blood are the cause of ill health and disease and need to be neutralized. Therefore, a more alkaline body will lead to better health.
Alkaline water contains four major minerals that contribute to its remarkable health benefits:
- Calcium: Important for bone health, as well as heart, muscle, and nerve function 5
- Magnesium: Helps turn food into energy and is necessary for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body 6
- Sodium: Regulates blood pressure and volume, and supports nerve/muscle function 7
- Potassium: A type of electrolyte that is essential for muscle function and promotes healthy digestion 8
There are many claims when it comes to the benefits of drinking alkaline water, including immune system support, weight loss, and cancer resistance. Although these claims are notable, they lack proven scientific research. However, there are several incredible health benefits to drinking alkaline water that have been scientifically proven and we are here to share them with you.
Improve Bone Health
Some research has been done on the effects of alkaline intake on bones. A published study found a positive effect on bone resorption with people who consumed alkaline water rich in bicarbonate.9
Bone resorption is the process where old bone cells are broken down and replaced by new ones.10 Less bone resorption and more mineral density result in better bone strength.
The authors of the study concluded that “a bicarbonate- and calcium-rich alkali mineral water decreased bone resorption more than a calcium-rich acidic mineral water.”
Soothe Acid Reflux
A study published in Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology found that drinking alkaline water at pH 8.8 can help soothe acid reflux because the higher pH level kills pepsin, an enzyme involved in breaking down food proteins and a main cause for acid reflux.11
Acid reflux is when the contents of the stomach, which are acidic, splash back up the trachea. 12Acid reflux that keeps happening for a long time can cause damage and a disease known as gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD.13
Reduce High Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar, and Cholesterol
In 2016, scientists in Shanghai found that three to six months after drinking alkaline water, people with high blood pressure (hypertension), high blood sugar (diabetes), and high blood lipids (cholesterol) had lower measures in each of these factors.14
Researchers found that a high-pH electrolyte water reduced blood viscosity, the thickness and stickiness of your blood, in 100 adults after exercising. This may help reduce cardiovascular strain due to dehydration.15
Enhance Hydration
A 2017 study published in Biology of Sport found that drinking alkaline water shows a positive effect on hydration status after anaerobic exercise with a significant decrease of specific urine gravity.16 Intake of alkaline water also shows a positive effect on urine pH during the anaerobic test protocol, and much more efficient lactate utilization after the high-intensity interval exercise.17 In addition to enhanced hydration, efficient lactate utilization results in increased energy, as lactate serves as an energy source in skeletal muscles.18
In contrast, subjects who consumed regular drinking water showed no changes over the same period of time. These results indicate that the habitual consumption of alkaline water may be a valuable nutritional vector influencing both acid-base balance and hydration status, as well as energy levels in active healthy adults.19
Increase Longevity
A study published in 2016 looked at the effect of consuming alkaline water on 150 mice over a period of three years. Results suggested that those who drank alkaline water had signs of greater longevity, in other words, they aged less and were more likely to live longer.
Histological examination of mice kidneys, intestines, hearts, livers, and brains was performed in order to verify the risk of diseases correlated to drinking alkaline water. No significant damage, but aging changes, emerged; organs of alkaline watered animals resulted to be relatively superimposable to controls, shedding a further light on the benefits of alkaline water consumption in humans.20
The Potential Benefits of Hyper Oxygenated Water
Oxygenated water is water infused with additional oxygen. Simple enough. Kind of like carbonated water but with a different gas.
All water—tap water included—contains some molecular dissolved oxygen. This oxygen is not the oxygen from H2O, but rather dissolved O2 itself.
In fact, the dissolved oxygen content of a natural water source is a good indicator of its water quality. Believe it or not, aquatic organisms rely on dissolved oxygen to sustain themselves. This is dreadfully clear in the “dead zones” that cover huge swaths of the Gulf of Mexico. Very little dissolved O2, very little life.
Commercially available oxygenated water, on the other hand, is a manmade creation—and generally claims to contain at least five times the oxygen of drinking water. Our tests have indicated this is actually only double. Specifically, oxygenated water contains anywhere from 30 to 71 mg / L dissolved oxygen content.
Oxydrate technologically advanced water is hyper oxygenated hydration due to our patented process of molecularly re-engineering water to increase the Molecular Dissolved Oxygen (MDO) content by up to 8 times that of typical drinking water. Having independently tested most of the product in the competitive landscape, our Patented Surface Tension Reduction Technology allows for unprecedented suspension of molecular oxygen in water. Far exceeding oxygen levels claimed by competitive products, which when tested, were only slightly higher MDO levels as compared to municipal tap water.
Being that the molecular weight of water is 18 amu and the molecular weight of oxygen is 32 amu, our oxygenated water is more dense and stays infused, not rising and escaping as it would with traditional bubble/aeration technology.
But what are the potential benefits of highly oxygenated water?
May Help Increase Your Energy Levels
If you’re struggling to get enough oxygen in your blood, you may feel tired and sluggish.
Your blood is responsible for carrying oxygen to your cells. When your blood is oxygenated, it can help to improve your circulation and give you more energy. Oxygenated water can help to increase the amount of oxygen in your blood, which can help you to feel more energetic.
Critics of oxygen water say oxygen molecules can’t diffuse across your GI tract and enter your bloodstream. But evidence suggests otherwise. In one 2001 study, large doses of ingested oxygen did end up in the blood of 15 lucky rabbits.28
This was done via the portal vein. The portal vein is a massive blood vessel that carries blood to your liver. About 75% of blood flow to your liver comes through the portal vein.29
A 2020 Study by the Research Council of Norway 30was conducted to assess whether oxygen dissolved in water is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and transported into the bloodstream after oral administration. Their conclusion was “We were able to detect a difference in the T1 and T2* relaxation times in the HPV blood between volunteers consuming either oxygenated or control water. The changes observed were compatible with oxygen causing an increased rate of water absorption and thereby a higher dilution of HPV blood.”
May Improve Lactate Clearance for Faster Exercise Recovery
During moderate to high intensity exercise sustained for longer than 10 seconds, your body produces lactate as a byproduct of energy production.
As lactate accumulates, there’s a corresponding increase in muscle acidity, and this can cause muscle fatigue if uncontrolled. Therefore, clearing lactate and muscle acidity becomes important during sustained exercise.
A study in 25 trained runners found that lactate clearance following exercise improved in those who drank oxygenated water during training. 21
Considering that this is only a single study, more research is needed. Nevertheless, if you’re a high level endurance athlete, oxygenated water may be worth a try.
May Enhance Alcohol Metabolism – Faster Next Day Recovery
Another proposed benefit of drinking oxygenated water is its ability to enhance alcohol metabolism.
When you consume alcohol, it’s absorbed through your stomach and small intestine. It’s then transported to the liver, where it’s metabolized through a series of reactions that require large amounts of oxygen. Therefore, one of the side effects of alcohol metabolism can be an oxygen deficit in the liver.22
One study looking at alcohol metabolism in 15 healthy men found that dissolved oxygen in drinks may accelerate the decrease in blood alcohol content after consuming large amounts of alcohol.23
Can help you meet hydration needs
Other potential benefits aside, oxygenated water can simply help you meet your daily hydration needs.24
A common rule of thumb when it comes to water intake is to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses (about 2 liters) per day.
Considering your body comprises around 60% water, adequate hydration is important for various processes, including temperature regulation, blood pressure maintenance, and proper brain function. 25, 26
Including oxygenated water as a part of your daily fluid intake can help you meet your needs.
Oxygenated Water May Lower Triglycerides and Improve Glucose Tolerance
Adipogenesis is the process by which fat-laden cells, that is, adipocytes, develop and accumulate as adipose tissue at various sites in the body, both as subcutaneous fat and as depots.
The study published in the National Library of Medicine 27 provides evidence regarding oxygenated water’s effects on adipogenesis and mature adipocytes, and the corresponding molecular mechanisms. The study showed that oxygenated water exhibits transient triglyceride-lowering and glucose tolerance-improving activity as well as hepatic steatosis-attenuating functions.
1 https://www.usgs.gov/special-topic/water-science-school/science/ph-and-water?qt-science_center_objects=0#qt-science_center_objects
2 https://www.sciencebuddies.org/science-fair-projects/references/acids-bases-the-ph-scale
3 https://sciencing.com/alkaline-vs-basic-6132782.html
4 https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/alkali
5 https://www.nof.org/patients/treatment/calciumvitamin-d/
6 https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Magnesium-HealthProfessional/
7 https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/002415.htm
8 https://medlineplus.gov/potassium.html
9 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S8756328208007813
10 https://www.mybiosource.com/learn/conditions/bone-resorption/
11 https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/313681
12 https://gi.org/topics/acid-reflux/
13 https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gerd/symptoms-causes/syc-20361940
14 https://jissn.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12970-016-0153-8
15 https://www.cvphysiology.com/Hemodynamics/H011
16 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5676322/
17 https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/003587.htm
18 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24950803
19 https://www.nal.usda.gov/sites/default/files/fnic_uploads/energy_full_report.pdf
20 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5676322/
21 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5371271/
22 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3484320/
23 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23084029/
24 https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/how-much-water-should-you-drink-per-day
25 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19724292/
26 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2908954/
27 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7432369/
28 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11726308/
29 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK535438/
30 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jmri.27104